Helping Creators post quality content

Running quick and broad experiments to figure out how to help creators create meaningful content

LinkedIn Creators
12 months
Mobile, Web
Design Lead


Upleveling LinkedIn’s content quality

So far, your LinkedIn feed has been filled with average content. Acquaintances announcing new jobs. Five learnings from doing good in the community. These are great, but they don’t necessarily help your career. We want to change that. We want to make the Feed a great place to learn and boost your career further.

UX Research

LinkedIn Creators want to build and sustain a career as a content creator

Quality content is integral to LinkedIn’s content ecosystem. Our UX Research team has identified six core pillars of creator needs that our team needs to design for in order to help creators thrive on LinkedIn.


We’re in charge of quickly experimenting to see what works and what doesn’t

Because LinkedIn is new to the creator game, we move quickly to validate ideas to see what effectively helps our creators get on top of their game. Each experiments took less than a quarter from design to shipping. We monitor the metrics and deliver learnings to Notifications, Feed, Analytics and Profile teams so they can use these learnings to iterate their features.


Nudging to reshare when mentioned

When a member is mentioned in a post, the conversation is likely to include a high quality opinion. Therefore we nudge the member to reshare the post to add their voice as a post in addition to the comment to spark meaningful conversation on LinkedIn.

+24.26% Pure reshares
+0.96% DMPC (members who create or reshare on a given day and have 500+ non-connection followers)


Creator content recommendation

By using AI to analyze member’s Profile, we were able to categorize members’ interests and recommend content they might want to reshare. Everyday, we recommend three posts that are of their interest to help them get inspired on post to create.

+0.03% Sessions
DCC (members who create or reshare post on a given day)


Sharebox Prompts

Sharebox on the Feed is the first thing any creator sees on LinkedIn. Using the Interests AI and their recent Profile edits, we give post inspirations in this prime space to give inspiration for the Creators to post to their audience.

+4.13% Net Content Shared


Share your achievement

When users update their Linkedin Profile, it usually calls for a celebratory moment. New job, promotion, starting a new school, or obtaining a certificate, all of these moments are worth sharing with their network and we made it very easy to do so.

+20% Net Content Shared
of all user posts